Our Ministries
"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."
[Romans 12:4-5]
Kensington Baptist Church was recently recognized
by the CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship) Missions Council with a Mission Excellence Award.
The video below was prepared by CBF in honor of this recognition.
Kensington Baptist Church has several Ministry programs which occur throughout the year and at various times during the year. Descriptions of some ministries can be found below.
Kathryn Starr Prayer Room
The Kathryn Starr Prayer Room was established in honor of long time member, Katie Starr. The room is open on Sundays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. You may also call the pastor and schedule another time for use of the room. The Prayer Room is in one of the side rooms that opens off the Social Hall.

Deacon Ministry
If you are homebound and interested in receiving communion at home, please talk with Mark Martin (Deacon chair). The Deacons are glad to make a visit and serve communion.
CALL ON US: Please feel free to call on your deacon if you have a need. We are willing to lend a listening ear and helping hand. Please know we are praying for you.
Deacon Family Ministry lists are found on table in vestibule.

Children's Ministry

Choir & Handbells
The Choir practices before worship on Sunday mornings.
Listen Local Concert Series
A few times a year, Kensington Baptist Church hosts a concert or other musical event for the public. These are organized by Amy Thomas and show off local music talent.
These are usually held on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon with a reception afterwards. A small donation is suggested.
Women's Care & Share
The Women's Care and Share Group meets once a month on Saturdays. It is designed to give women a time together in fellowship and prayer support. Programs include a light breakfast, crafting project, short devotional, and prayer time. As women craft together they can talk and share. The group "covenants together" to not share outside of the group so that care and mutual support can grow. There is a monetary collection per gathering for the cost of craft materials. For more information and questions contact Di George (443-621-4378).

Community Projects
School Supplies Mission Project
At the end of the summer, Kensington Baptist Church collects school supplies to be able to provide those supplies to needy students for the upcoming fall school term.
Migrant Worker Bags Mission Project
At the end of the spring, Kensington Baptist Church collects personal hygiene supplies to be able to provide those supplies to migrant workers. The congregation contributes those supplies which go into filling individual bags.
Laundry Detergent Missions Project
The Interfaith Works Women's Shelter (Taft Court) regularly receives laundry detergent collected by Kensington Baptist Church to help the residents so they can clean their clothes.
Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (MACBF)
Kensington Baptist Church is a partner with MACBF, including Refuge for Hope (Uganda), The Great Obstacle Race, and other needs that arise throughout the year.