"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell."
[Psalm 43:3]
DREAM Statement
Kensington Baptist Church is a steadfast, mission-driven, gospel-based, worshiping church family.
We strive to see and meet needs within the church family and in our local community.
As a ministry firmly grounded in the good news of Jesus Christ,
we will be a spiritual family in a growing Christian faith tradition,
a place to develop and grow lasting friendships.
Open & inclusive, all are welcomed to attend, join and serve,
continuing our tradition of serving out the Christian faith in the community.
Kensington Baptist Church is called to be a lighthouse that brings hope and purpose to the lives of people in our communities by sharing and modeling the good news of Jesus Christ.
Who We Are
What We Value
Foundational Values
Christ-centered (Jesus, through whom we receive our salvation, is Savior and Lord of our life, the stack pole of our Christian faith).
Biblical (We place high priority on the teachings of scripture for all matters of faith and practice).
Encouraging (We believe in helping people to fulfill their God given potential).
Caring (We are called to be burden bearers for one another).
Committed (We are dedicated to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ and honoring our commitments to Jesus Christ).
Loving (We demonstrate the loved of Christ toward one another).
Ministry Values
Accepting (All are welcome. We are a diverse set of people made one in Christ).
People - focused (People come first. We are called to meet the needs of people in Christ's name).
Empowering (We are to enable everyone to grow in their faith so they can live out their faith in meaningful ways).
Evangelistic (We are called to share the Good News of the Gospel message throughout the world starting in our own backyard).
Enthusiastically (We are to live out our faith joyfully).
Partnering With Others​
When the community and church changes affected membership and attendance in the 1970's and 1980's, much of the new, spacious building space became superfluous. As a result, KBC has provided space in its lower level to five Korean congregations over the last 30 years enabling them to share the good news of God's redeeming love. We now partner with a Hispanic congregation (Iglesia La Voz de Cristo al Mundo). We continue to look for ways that we can partner and serve together to advance the cause of Jesus Christ. Also, the Parent Encouragement Program (PEP) has been using office space on the upstairs floor and classroom space throughout the building since 1990, thereby enabling KBC to open its doors to more people within our communities. Other ongoing partnerships that have developed include: Listen Local Concert Series, Trinity Chamber Orchestra, and the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Foundation. We are grateful to be able to serve our world and communities in so many different ways.
Over the years this church has been a Bible believing, evangelistic, missionary, cooperating Baptist church with special love and care for members who have needed help both spiritually and physically. The church has been an active member of the Montgomery Baptist Association, the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and the Southern Baptist Convention.
This church has been "moderate" in its views, remaining faithful to the historic Baptist principles of the authority of the Bible, salvation by grace through faith, the autonomy of the local church under the Lordship of Christ, religious liberty and separation of church and state, the priesthood of all believers, and cooperation with others who wish to work together to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
We celebrate our diversity and wide range of backgrounds that make up our fellowship. We believe Jesus nurtured people to discover God in their lives and that he was a model of servanthood and standing up for people in need. As a result, we try to follow Christ's extravagant example of love, service and acceptance of all.
Sharing Our Faith
As a result of its missionary spirit, KBC has participated in the sponsorship and beginnings of eight other churches: Georgia Avenue Baptist Church, Ashton Baptist Church, Colesville Baptist Church, Calverton Baptist Church, Baptist work in Columbia, Viers Mill Baptist Church, Oasis Christian Center and Rock of Salvation Church.
In addition to supporting the regular missionary programs of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Southern Baptist Convention, the Kensington Church has sent three missionaries to foreign lands: one to Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines; one to Japan, and one to Germany. Most recently we (2009) have commissioned a couple to be our missionaries to the Korean community.